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8AM - 6:00PM


What We Provide

Business Incubation Services

Business Plan Development

Business Plan Development

We work with new and existing your businesses to develop business plans from scratch or refine existing plans with a view to implement. Unlike other service providers who make plans simply for raising funding, our plans are actual plans that businesses get to implement. Investors love our planning services because they are rooted and grounded in reality, hence why they deliver successful outcome when implemented.

Marketing & Sales Planning Support

Our philosophy is that new and young businesses fail, not because of lack of funding, but mainly because they do not sell enough. We work hard at the beginning to develop commercial plans for market access and customer growth. Our team help in crafting executable sales and marketing plans that ensure tight alignment of both marketing investments that drive sales results.

Marketing & Sales Planning Support
Business Coaching

Business Coaching

Young business talents benefit tremendously from the experience of established business executives with decades of experience and the network they bring to the table. Our firm facilitates the provision of one-on-one coaching services that are customized to each receiving startup or business entity. Peer-to-peer coaching also helps in cross fertilizing ideas for early-stage companies, an essential aspect of an incubation service delivery.


Our firm provides seed funding and other types of funding for short to medium term investments that correspond to our portfolio focus areas or sectors.
Our Technology Marketing Fund is designed to help young and growing businesses compete favorably in the market place and grab or grow share. The fund has the twin objectives of market development, enjoyed especially for new product introductions, and demand generation marketing that helps companies fund specific marketing initiatives designed to acquire a new customer base and develop healthy pipelines and forecasts out of market segments with addressable revenue streams.

Network Access

Network Access

Our network access support for businesses under incubation cover a range of services that are designed to help a young and growing business leverage economies of scale and network effect in strategic area areas like sourcing inputs, implementing technology, testing ideas and concepts, access to new geographies, amongst other things.

Operational Infrastructure

In key locations our business hubs provide operational infrastructure including temporary office space and premises for young businesses to kick off from. Ours and partner assets make this important piece available to businesses under incubation to help them focus on surviving and thriving, especially in the crucial 1-5 years period, post startup.

Operational infrastructure

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