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8AM - 6:00PM

About Us


To submit a pitch deck or discuss working with us in our core incubation offerings and support areas, please contact us.

About Incubenta

Who We Are

We are a specialists organization focused in finding, nurturing, funding and helping establish new or young starts-ups in our niche focus sectors or industries. Typically, our approach embraces mid to long term view of investing, often taking on new businesses with steady but positive growth opportunities and outlook.

The unique segment requires specialized care and interventions that can be best provided using structured interventions that approach each requirements.

The people and ventures we support have spent a lot of time conceptualizing their business, building the models, defining the strategy, and testing their business ideas. Our support is often the last mile to opening their doors to customers, or the important boost that helps them stay afloat, one stage to another. We invest in edutech, fintech, hitech, real estate value chain, and logistics.


Fintechs in the retail consumer space with transformational reach and value adding impact.


Technologies that can liberalize learning delivery, open classroom way.


New tech to improve logistics operations and save costs.

Urban Regeneration

Solving urban housing problems restoring the environment.

About The Special Purpose Fund

WHC Start-Up Fund

A Delaware US based fund into which Incubenta invested, and they specialize in early-stage startup funding, combining Angel-investor approaches for supporting tech start-ups and new businesses, with special emphasis in commerce enabling technologies like Fintech, InsureTech, HealthTech, EduTech, SaaS, eCommerce, eMarketplace any commerce that uses technology to scale.

budding entrepreneurs collage

Our Team

Key Officers & Board Member

About Our Investment Criteria

What kind of startups do we support or invest in?

Our involvement criteria include some or all of the following:


Your business can be pre-seed or a running business with an

  • established customer base
  • Yours can be a late-stage business with new products or services that are ready for launch
  • Your business or venture is one that has strategic alignment with our existing portfolio and offers opportunity for value extension and consolidation

A running business generating recurring revenues and less than 5 years old

Aside from market potentials, what other non-financial metrics do we consider specifically to prioritize investments?

We will prioritize engagement and support for

  • People with disabilities
  • Women Entrepreneurs
  • Ethnic minority groups
Why do you focus on enabling Technology Marketing?

We discovered after various studies over the years that many tech startups fail because they don’t get sales and marketing right, even with game-changing technologies. So we set-up an aspect of what we do to address this.  

To what extent do you embrace ESG principles in investing in startups?

We value sustainability, being socially responsible, and ethical considerations in selecting the businesses we invest in.